UMDC M-Journal


  • Estela Mae Labastida UM Digos College, Digos City, Philippines
  • Roenil Lopez UM Digos College, Digos City, Philippines
  • Honey Grace Sevillano UM Digos College, Digos City, Philippines
  • Cyvil Dave Dasargo UM Digos College, Digos City, Philippines


mobile journal, PHP, Android Studio, JavaScript, Agile methodology


This study aims to develop and implement a system that can help the students and faculty search journals easily that would help them for research purposes and reference. The system is online research that can be accessed using the web and through a mobile application. The "UMDC M-Journal" is a study that focuses on catering to the UMDC Office's need about its manually operated journal. The proposed system can make the student research available online and in a mobile application while providing an area for the students to view researchers for their research purposes. The students will access the website, download the mobile application, view the student research they need for their study most promptly and innovatively. The research and publication office coordinator will be the admin and the one in charge of monitoring the system.




How to Cite

Labastida, E. M., Lopez, R., Sevillano, H. G., & Dasargo, C. D. (2017). UMDC M-Journal. UM Digos Research Journal, 9(1), 246–257. Retrieved from