Certified Public Accountants with Multiple Opportunities in Business Landscape: A Multiple Case Study


  • Maria Althea Caralos Davao del Sur State College
  • Reynaldo Castro Professional Schools, University of Mindanao


certified public accountants, non-CPA professions, career transition, multiple case study, Philippines


The study entitled explores the experiences, challenges, competencies, and strategies of certified public accountants (CPAs) who transitioned to non-CPA professions. Through a multiple case study approach, several key themes emerged across the five cases. Firstly, CPAs experienced a transition to entrepreneurship, finding enjoyment and fulfillment in new career paths, defining roles and tasks, and realizing perks for shifting to non-accounting roles. Secondly, the impact on relationships and financial considerations varied, including changes in relationship dynamics, income potential, and financial stability. Thirdly, themes related to utilization of digital platforms and business growth highlighted the importance of technology in business strategies. Fourthly, professional and personal identity themes emphasized the hands-on involvement in management tasks and the importance of networking and wisdom from interactions. Finally, the study revealed insights into career development and adaptation, personal growth, stability, and personal fulfillment. CPAs gained insights into exploring skills beyond their profession, pursuing passion, seeking opportunities, evaluating economic practicality, and maintaining work-life balance. Overall, the findings shed light on the multifaceted experiences and strategies of CPAs navigating non-CPA professions, offering valuable insights for CPAs considering similar career transitions.


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How to Cite

Caralos, M. A., & Castro, R. (2024). Certified Public Accountants with Multiple Opportunities in Business Landscape: A Multiple Case Study. Journal of Economy and Enterprise Studies, 1(1), 38–63. Retrieved from https://ieesjournals.com/index.php/jees/article/view/144

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