Selection of Insurance Company Among Variable Unit Life Policy Holders: An Exploratory Factor Analysis


  • Christian Paul Moyon College of Business Administration Education, University of Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines
  • Marvin Cruz Graduate School, University of the Immaculate Conception, Davao City, Philippines


variable unit life (VUL) insurance policy, exploratory factor analysis, Philippines, business management, insurance studies


This study delves into the factors influencing the choice of insurance companies by variable unit life (VUL) policyholders, a topic of widespread interest among all policyholders. The research aims to shed light on the buying preferences of VUL policyholders and explore the practical implications that emerge from the study's findings. A total of 277 participants, pre-qualified by enumerators from various bancassurance firms in Davao Region with active VUL policies, were selected through a combination of stratified and purposive sampling techniques. Employing exploratory factor analysis, the study identified critical variables considered by policyholders in their selection of insurance companies. Out of 46 items evaluated by participants, 12 were highlighted, leaving 34 items that revealed eleven dimensions significantly influencing the decision-making process for choosing a life insurance company offering VUL products. The key factors identified include customer service relations, employee expertise, the service culture of the company, product portfolio, marketing activities, product features, the brand name of the company, employee professionalism, company ownership, company tenure, and additional services offered. These elements represent the criteria policyholders prioritize when selecting an insurance company for their VUL policies.


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How to Cite

Moyon, C. P., & Cruz, M. (2024). Selection of Insurance Company Among Variable Unit Life Policy Holders: An Exploratory Factor Analysis. Journal of Economy and Enterprise Studies, 1(1), 14–25. Retrieved from

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